Monday, August 17, 2009

Her Wish Is....

I received the most giggly and fun phone call from Annalynn last week. She called to tell me that she and her parents had met with the lovely people from Make-A-Wish Foundation, so that she could make her wish!

Drum roll........

Annalynn chose "Something Disney" so they settled on Disney World in Florida.

I personally am so grateful that Annalynn got so lucky to have this great opportunity that Make-A-Wish Foundation has given to her and her family. I am humbled and amazed. Thank you Make-A-Wish Foundation, and to anyone else who is helping make this wish and other wishes for other children come true. This is a great opportunity that Annalynn and her family would otherwise not have. Truly, she has been through so much in the past 24 months, (and it still is not over) she absolutely deserves a vacation to play and have fun and be the sweet little girl that she is!


aunt Quel said...

Yay! Disneyworld!!!! Do aunts, grandparents, yncles and cousins get invited too???? (if we pay our own way of course.)

Sending you hugs! Love you, A!

Aunt Quel said...

Oops! Uncles.

Anonymous said...

Grammie says, So proud of you Lyni and your brave fight!! Love to be along for the excitement and the journey of the memory!! I'll start saving!!!! Cutie Pie!

Anonymous said...

From personal experience I must say... the trip from Make a wish needs to be for Annalynn and her siblings and parents. Those outside the household should find another way to Celebrate her accomplishment with her. When my close cousin Becky was winning the same fight with her lukemia I too wanted to enjoy and celebrate with her and her family in Disney world. I know now that her family in her home needed to heal and bond in a way that they had been unable to do the past few years. I hope I don't sound like a snob, but Annalynn's sisters have sacrificed more than any of us could know. they deserve the trip to be just them. the rest of us can Celebrate in another way. I love you all! Just the way I feel... !!!

Anonymous said...

In response to "Anoymous" Make a Wish only extends the trip to parents and siblings, we were all just over excited for them.