Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Fun Pics

Little Sis and Annalynn on Christmas; sis had to wear the mask due to illness. A little mask cannot ruin the fun for these two inseperable sisters!

A Barbie! Who could ask for more? The holidays were so great for Annalynn and their family. So many blessings and so much to be thankful for.

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Hi all! Thank you for reading Annalynn's World!
Instructions for comments
We encourage you to comment or ask any questions that we are not answering, or you can leave a comment to the family. If you do NOT have a "blogger" id already, please leave your name IN the text of your message and you can click Anonymous--- to leave your comment without having to sign in or sign up. Unless you wish to remain anonymous. However, if we know who is questioning or commenting, we will be more likely to respond as this is a sensitive topic and we believe mostly family and friends are readers.

Thank you very much for your support.

Daily Update:

Since getting home after a 7 day stretch in the hospital, Annalynn is doing much better. She has to take 2 antibiotics 3x daily until her immune system count gets to 500 or above. As of yesterday her immune count was at 400. (it shot up after going home, which proves that home really IS where the heart is)

Today I asked Annalynn how she was feeling and her reply was, "fine, but I am really sleepy."

So there you have it!

To the readers: Please feel free to comment if there is something you'd like to say to the family or to Annalynn. Also, if you have questions or there is something that I am not telling you, please feel free to post that in the comments and I will make sure that you are all well informed and in touch! Thanks for reading this page and thanks for the prayers!